Alternative Fuel Payment Scheme
The Alternative Fuel Payment (AFP) scheme has been introduced by the government to support households who use an alternative fuel to natural gas for heating.
Q: What help is there for me to pay my energy bills?
A: As an LPG customer you will receive a £200 payment from the government as part of the Alternative Fuel Payment (AFP) scheme.
The government will deliver this support via your electricity bill. The payments will begin to be process from 6 February 2023, and will be applied to your account no later than 28 February 2023.
*Please note you will not see this payment applied to your AvantiGas account.
Q: What if I don’t have a relationship with an electricity supplier?
A: If you do not currently have a relationship with an electricity supplier, the £200 payment will be made to households via the AFP alternative fund. If this is the case, you can check your eligibility and apply for the grant via the gov UK portal Apply for alternative fuel bill support if you do not get it automatically - GOV.UK (
All applications for the funding must be submitted by the deadline 31 May 2023.
More information about the Alternative Fuel Payment (AFP) scheme can be found here: